Estaba el Señor Don Gato...
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Friday, July 25, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
I looooove chicken!/Me gusta el pollo!
Estos humanos son la repera. Dejan un paquete de pollo precocinado y perfectamente comestible al alcance de mis garras... e inevitablemente, pasa lo que pasa. Una vez descongelado estaba... delicioso!
These humans are awsome. They leave a packet of cooked and perfectly edible chicken within reach of my paws... so obviously I did what it have to be done. Once defrosted it was... delicious!
These humans are awsome. They leave a packet of cooked and perfectly edible chicken within reach of my paws... so obviously I did what it have to be done. Once defrosted it was... delicious!

Y claro, después de comerme medio muslo, no les quedó otra que darme el botín
And of course, after I ate half a thigh, they had no option but to give me bounty.

jajajjaa, todo mío!!
hehehe, all mine!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014
¿A qué huelen las cucharas?/What do spoons smell like?
Dame eso.../Give me that...

sniff, sniff...

¡Pero no te la lleves!/ But don't take it away!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Ejercicios de estiramiento estilo gato.../Stretching Cat Style..
Para estar tan guapo y esbelto como yo, hace falta ejercitarse. Y para ello, hoy os presento algunos ejercicios de estiramiento...
To get to be as handsome and sleder as myself, you need to exercise. And so today I will show you some strenching exercises...
To get to be as handsome and sleder as myself, you need to exercise. And so today I will show you some strenching exercises...

Sacar pecho...


Hacer ejercicios de cuello...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Saturday, June 21, 2014
¡No he sido yo!/It wasn't me!
Hola, soy Pepper. En Primer lugar, deniego rotundamente todo lo que aquí cuenta mi humana:
Hi, Pepper here. In first place, I deny absolutely everythin my human is saying here...
Habla la humana/ The human speaks:
El plato de mi ducha es totalmente liso, y cuando se moja, resbala bastante como pudimos comprobar en nuestra primera ducha cuando nos mudamos a la casa en Febrero del 2013. Así que tras mudarnos un sábado, lo primero que hicimos el Domingo fue comprar una alfombrilla antideslizante, esas alfombrillas de toda la vida para el interior de la bañera o ducha.
My shower plate is totally smooth, and when wet, you can easily slip, as we could verify on our first shower when we moved in to the new hose in February 2013. So after we moved in on Saturday, first thing on Sunday was to go buy a rubber bath math.
Y ayer, nos la encontramos con unos agujeros para nada resultado de un uso constante...
And yesterday, we found it with big holes on it, certainly no the result of wear and tear...
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